For Noe I am going to concentrate on the UK General Election...

Hope you find it interesting!

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Prospects are looking like the United Kingdom must go to the EU and ask them to pass over the salt.

As freezing temperatures take their grip over the UK for the past 3-4 weeks, grit used to melt the ice on the roads has been used every night to make roads safe to drive.

This constant use of the grit has caused stock piles of the stuff to drop. In some places there is only enough grit left to cover the local roads one more time. Moreover there is no end in sight for the cold to end.

The wintery weather has been the worst since the winter of 1947. In which for 10-12 weeks somewhere over the United Kingdom it snowed atleast every day. Temperatures have been struggling to get above freezing point by day, by night temperatures have been dipping as low as -15 degrees celcius in some rural places. Last night in my area temperatures dropped to -12.5.

So as the snow is due to continue well into next week, the salt will run out on our chips. Will it have to be rashioned? Maybe se.

All I know is that my local council has 7+ days of grit left.

What is causing this weather you ask? A area of high pressure over Greenland. Causing the cold air to go around the high pressure and straight over us. The forecasters say the high pressure isn't going to move for some time now. So wrap up warm, stay indoors, build you snowmen, and start complaining about the weather! WE ARE BRITISH AFTER ALL....

1 comment:

  1. The salt eats cars--
    in the spring there will lots of rust and rot--
    I try to get it off -- but as soon as I do-- it's back..
    It is pretty...
